Monday, September 14, 2009

Day 22

What a beautiful day it was today. You can tell that fall is right around the corner. My favorite time of year! This fall will be a whole new meaning to me. I am meeting such amazing people in my journey from my fellow runner, the honorees, the trainers and just everyone that is touch some way by cancer. I feel so blessed & excited to be on this journey. I met with my Nampa Women's Women's Running Club tonight & they are so inspiring. I did a great 3 1/2 mile run (I am thinking it was about that distance had to turn around) Felt great & had a wonderful breeze. I need to pick up the fundraising. My letters should be going out this week so I am very excited about that. I know I am on this path for a purpose & I am very excited. I am so thankful for everyone who has donated so far.


  1. Fund raising ideas:
    See if Fr. Jerry will let you put a copy of your letter in the bulletin. I can give you his email if you are interested. - Or contact all the area churches about including a letter in their bulletin or at least their bulletin board.
    Talk to Marri about sponsoring a dance. Jana is already asking when the first one will be (which I think is Halloween). Maybe we can do a end of fall sports dance and invite all the youth groups in the valley. I'll DJ!!!! Lol I'll chaperone too.

  2. Hey Jenn has a great idea, and get your letters out everywhere. The dance is awesome too. How about a community garage sale all proceeds go towards your donation???
