Saturday, November 7, 2009

Day 74, 75, 76

Thursday - speed work not as fast as I like but did pretty good 3 miles
Friday - rest day
Saturday - my longest run ever! It rocked 14 miles it was absolutely beautiful running in Boise. I was having some pain in my leg but coach Ann said it is from not stretching enough so I will be doing WAY more stretching. It was great took us 2:34. I am excited about that cause my last 1/2 marathon (13.1 miles) was 2:23 so I am improving on my time. I kept a consistent pace of 10:23 per mile. Great run! YEA

1 comment:

  1. I am amazed at your run, wow!! And you time especially after being sick, and with a sore leg. Make sure you do stretch, and it that doesn't help, get the leg checked out!! NO pain girly, can't have that.
